Cosmetic Dentistry

It is well known that enhancing your smile can make a big difference to your confidence and how you deal with people both at work and in your personal life.

If you’re unhappy with your smile and would like to take steps to improve it, we can help. There are a variety of treatments that can help you achieve the smile you want. For example:

  • veneers


    Are you fed up of having broken or chipped teeth? Don’t worry anymore. At Purley Dental Practice we’ll help restore your smile with quality dental veneer treatment. Made of plastic or porcelain, veneers are most commonly used to protect your teeth when they are chipped, half broken or displaced. You can be sure our specialists will ensure they are fixed in the right manner with minimum of discomfort.

  • teeth whitening

    Teeth Whitening

    Our tooth whitening procedure allows stained, discoloured or dull teeth that have been affected by aging as well as by the consumption of high coloured foods and drinks, to be brightened. Whitening is one of the easiest and least intrusive ways to improve your smile. A nice bright, white smile is a quick way to boost your confidence and get you smiling more!

  • white composite fillings

    White Composite Fillings

    The modern white filling material can be just as strong as the traditional sliver amalgam as it chemically bonds to the tooth structure. Another advantage of white fillings is that your dentist will be able to match the shade to your natural tooth colour making it almost invisible. Ask us about the benefits of white composite fillings over silver amalgam fillings.

To arrange a cosmetic dentistry consultation, contact our practice today to speak with one of our dental team.